Friday, July 18, 2014

Grooming and Detangling Natural Hair: My Detangle Hair Plan

Let's be honest the four of us have been in mourning for a very long time.  Taking care of our hair has taken a back seat to mending our souls.  Mom and Joy are lucky they have an ability to at least give some attention to their hair.  Plus mom has wavy hair so, her hair never really tangles as bad as mine.  I have the type of hair that really needs to be detangled at least twice a month and it can be a hard job.  Now picture a woman who has been having a hard time just getting into the shower, yep, that's me, lol.  Detangling my hair rarely happens these days.  My hair is neglected but I do know how to detangle it.  I know how to save it.

Normally I use a wide tooth comb while in the shower to detangle my hair.  The force of the running water actually helps move the comb through my hair with ease.  Plus I use a ton of conditioner so normally this is all I need for proper grooming.  Using a brush on natural hair is almost always a no no.  Grooming for me, is always a wide tooth comb and my fingers if my hair is in good shape.

Wide tooth hair comb for curly hair 
Right now my hair is not in good shape.  My hair is a tangled mess.  This is when I must use a brush. Never use a small tooth comb to detangle your hair.  Always use a brush that is 100% nylon.  Never brush you hair dry and always use conditioner on each section of hair you are brushing.  I use a brush that is 100% nylon because it does not tear my hair and the bristles detangle my hair with ease when wet and full of conditioner.
100% Nylon Hairbrush 
Note: I also like Michel Mercier Ultimate Detangling Brush for thick hair.  It really detangles my worst tangles but the bristles bend.  Even so, they do not seem to break.  It really works and when you are in matted hair hell this brush will save you.  I just don't know how safe it is for my hair but it really does work and cuts down on detangling time.

 My detangle plan:

1. Get in the shower wet hair down completely
2. Apply a large amount of conditioner to your hair and use you finger to "comb through" your hair
3. Rinse hair and apply a second coat of conditioner.  Use wide tooth comb and start to detangle your hair.  Detangle as much as you can with the wide tooth comb.
4. If you are having a hard time with tangles, place that section of the hair under the running water of the shower and comb with the wide tooth comb.  The force of the water should work with the comb.  Usually your hair should be without tangles after using this trick.
5. Okay, you have some really tough tangles.  Wet your hair down completely again. Then get out of the shower.  Take a section of your hair (soaking wet), apply conditioner to this section and brush this section of hair with 100% nylon brush.  Use the conditioner with the brush to remove any remaining tangles.  This takes time.  Be patient, don't rip your hair.  Do this section by section until all tangles are gone.
6. Do not rinse, leave conditioner in your hair.  Use a wet T-shirt to remove extra conditioner sitting on the top of your hair.

Faith Note: We use t-shirts because it prevents our hair from frizzing.  A towel is too drying.  So if you need to dry your hair use a dry t-shirt.  Use a wet t-shirt to remove/manage excess product in your hair.

My mother told me to remind everyone: Having the proper tools is half the battle.  Try different shapes of brushes to find the right one for your hair.

One day I will do a video.