Thursday, January 23, 2014

For Bryan Santo Scichilone- Praises, Compliments And Thank Yous

Dear Bryan,

I thought you knew how proud I was of you.  I hope you know how much I appreciated you.  Just in case you did not know I am telling you now.  I know I verbalized these things but I think you really didn't take it to heart

1. Thank you for marrying me.
2. Thank you for loving my sisters as your own.
3. Thank you for loving my mother as if she were your own.
4. Thank you for being our friend.
5. Thank you for being our greatest coach, cheerleader and fan.
6. Thank you for always taking care of me.
7. Thank you for always being proud of me no matter what I looked like.
8. Thank you for our many road trips together.
9. Thank you for hanging out with me even when I was doing nerd things.
10. Thank you for always proofreading my work.
11. Thank you for embracing all the odd things about me.
12. Thank you for being the greatest partner in the world.
13. You are so handsome.
14. You are so much fun to be around.
15. You always saw good intention.
16. You always looked for the best in everyone.
17. You are a man's man who is very comfortable hanging with the girls.
18. You have beautiful eyes.
19. You have a great singing voice.
20. You are the champion of the weak.
21. Your body is amazing.
22. You are very athletic.
23. You amaze me because you can do with your body what many humans cannot.
24. You are a great writer.
25. I feel as though God tailor made you for me.
26. Thank you for supporting me in my decisions.
27. Thank you for respecting me as an individual.
28. Bryan is so great at making baked goods.
29. Bryan is so good at prepping us for road trips.
30. Bryan stopped a man from killing another man in broad daylight in 2013.
31. Bryan stopped a group go kids from beating an older man to death after Thunder Over Louisville (2013).
32. Bryan is a man who stood up against violence.
33. I loved that Bryan volunteered with Adult reading programs.
34. Bryan encourages people to find their own voice as a writer.
35. Bryan sees what you need as a person and he would try to provide it.
36. Bryan is very intelligent.
37. Bryan is very intuitive.
38. Bryan makes my life worth something.
39. Bryan helps me dream bigger.
40. Bryan is the king maker and the king.

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