Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Have A Voting Party! Don't Let Fear and Intimidation Suppress Your Vote!

Joy Yascone, Love Yascone, Glenda Yascone
Are Supporting Jim Gray for US Senate (Kentucky)

We have all heard Trump telling his frankly proud alt-right deplorables to monitor the polls.  We have all heard how some of them are bringing their guns.  That's odd because many precincts are held at elementary schools (gun & drug free zones).  Some counties in America are canceling school for that reason.  Fear has been a major weapon used to suppress the vote (liberal votes, women & minorities and anyone voting against the GOP).  Your vote is the most powerful weapon against fear.  Now I personally believe you should vote early.  I think it is the safest way to protect yourself and your vote.  It gives you time to deal with any problems that may come up.  It frees you up to help get out the vote on November 8th.  It makes it harder to target you if you vote at an early voting center instead of your personal precinct.  But let's say you can't vote early and you are afraid of being harassed by some Trumpkin Trumpster Fire.  There is no reason to go to your polling precinct alone.

Love Yascone, Joy Yascone,
 & Glenda Yascone

That's right there is no reason to fear going to the polls.  Plan a voting party.  Make a voting parade for family and friends.  Of course don't wear any campaign material to the polls because that is illegal but you don't have to go there alone.  Coordinate a time when you and your family go to vote.  If you all live in the same precinct it makes life easy.  Plan to vote early that morning and then have brunch together.  If you don't all live in the same precinct then plan this party right.  Pick a 2 hour window in which you will begin your voting party.  Start in the precinct that you have the most voters  and then work your way out from there.  Go to the next nearest precinct to the one you just left.  Stick together.  Give yourselves enough time to get to each precinct and make it fun.  At the very least you can set up a buddy system.  Go to the polls in twos or threes.  Find neighbors who have like political views and plan to go with them.  No one has a right to intimidate you.  No one has a right to suppress your vote.  Vote early together, have breakfast together and if you have to go to work go to work and then meet up later for drinks.  Take lunch breaks together and go and vote.  Your employer must give you time off to vote it is the law.  If you wait to vote after work, well it will be more fun to have someone wait in line with you.  Hopefully happy hour will still be going on after you vote.  After this election we all deserve Happy Hour.

Eddie Merlot's 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Who Cares! I'm American and There's NO TRUMPING THAT!

As Americans we should all be angry! We have a great country but Trump tells us we are beat up and beat down.  Really? Really? I have a few questions for you.  Of what country do you wish you were a citizen? If you are American, do you feel lucky that you are American? Really, have you thought about it? I have.  All four of us feel lucky to be American.  Now don't get me wrong.  We love other countries.  We are addicted to Korean Dramas and Japanese Anime.  We love listening to French and Arabic music.  What the hell, we love every corner on this beautiful planet; even when we don't.  Why is Trump trying to make us think that being American is being disadvantaged.  Being American is the greatest advantage.  Now being women and a minorities has its disadvantages in America but being American is still pretty awesome.  

Trump treats America like a creepy guy treats a beautiful woman.  You know the type. Creepy guy says, "Oh you were once that hottest girl in here but not anymore.  Those girls over there are so much hotter than you."  Trump keeps telling America she's no longer "that hot" so that her confidence is shattered and she takes him home, or in this case, votes for him.  I am here to tell you, America, you are still the hottest girl on the planet.  No need to take that creep home!  America you know why you are so pretty? Women are free to get an education, dress how they please and decide their own futures.  In America we can marry who we love, man or woman (black, white, asian, native american or latino)! America you are hot because you are a melting pot of ideas and cultures and because of this you are extremely creative.  But most of all America you are beautiful because you are still evolving, changing and progressing.  One day full equality will be achieved by you and your citizens.  One day your people will achieve true tolerance.  One day we will all look at each other and see HOW BEAUTIFUL WE ARE and a creep like Trump will never approach us!

Last Saturday, Faith and Mom (Glenda the Good) went to a charity ball (Pink Ball for breast cancer). At the same time Joy and I went to a political event to meet Jim Gray.  Jim Gray is running for US Senate.  Then Joy and I went to dinner at a four star restaurant.  Then all four of us met at home. Changed into our hottest clothes and went to the gay Club Play. (Every race, culture, sexual preference, gender,  age group and religion was there, even muslim!)  Yes, that was all in one evening.  That is what it means to live in America! 


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Halloween and The American Horror Story Election: We Are Caught In The Middle of a Fun Holiday and a Terrible Election

I was going to talk about how my family is divided between Halloween and the election.  I was going to say that Mom & Faith are focused on our party.  Joy is focused on making the best contacts for us and of course I am focused mainly on saving our country from the reality show American Horror Story: Election.  Mom and Faith just walked into the house and guess what? They had a two hour "discussion" with a Trump supporter.  Faith is vowing to not go out again unless absolutely necessary.  For her, running into another Trump supporter would be a real nightmare.  And there you have it, even mom (Glenda the Good) and Faith Hope, who have been the only two fighting to enjoy Halloween got pulled into this horror story today.

We have an election with a p**sy groping hand, claims that the Central Park 5 aren't innocent (even though they are), Putin digging around in American politics, and racism becoming mainstream! It is a nightmare and for a while mom and Faith did their best to keep this election in the far background of their lives.  We are all voting for Clinton.  We all watch the debates.  I unfortunately spend almost every moment online and watching CNN and MSNBC.  Don't get me wrong Halloween is like my favorite holiday.  My ringtone used to be the theme song from the movie Halloween.  I really wish I could relax and enjoy this time but I can't.  I am worried about my beloved country.  We are a proud melting pot with many beautiful holidays and traditions including Halloween.  We are a divided family because we can't agree on how we need to spend our time.  We are all voting but I feel we need to do more than that.  The rest of My Royal Family 4 would like spend more time enjoying this beautiful Fall weather, of course they can't really because the election is everywhere and they are very concerned.

I want to have a good time but the election is literally ruining what would normally be great moments.  When the four of us go out to a bar we hear awful things from these Trump supporters.  When we watch the debates we scream at the TV because of the ridiculous, racist, sexist and just plain wrong things that Trump says.  We are even disagreeing on how to respond to this living nightmare.  I say we vote early and go to a battleground state on election day.  Mom says we should vote and just live our lives.  Mom and I had a major argument.  She raised all of us to be active in defending our rights as women and as black women.  I know that our energy will help get at least one person to vote that may have skipped the polls. I think we should be in a battleground state on election day.  Joy and Faith are remaining neutral.  They both think our energy needs to focus on our businesses but they also want to be part of the festivities election day.

Tomorrow is the last debate.  I had planned to have a party but after the last debate I am afraid.  We will watch but we may not invite people over.  Then again we may.  We throw last minute parties all the time.  The first debate Faith made Korean food.  The second debate we went to Clinton's Louisville, KY headquarters.  Tomorrow we will stay home.  I think the theme should be comfort food.  We need some comfort right now.  I intend to vote this Friday.  I intend to be in a battleground state on Nov. 8, 2016.  I must admit I am tired of it all.  This Saturday Halloween will have my focus. I will try my best to make sure the rest of the 4 feel great and energized.  I will do my best to make this nightmare of an election our best HALLOWEEN EVER!  I don't know how but it starts right after the last debate and I can't wait.  If I get Joy, Mom and Faith really happy maybe they will help me on Nov. 8th. I'm not asking them to work all day, just maybe 2 hours and then we'll explore the city.  Maybe spread some early Holiday cheer.  I added a poll asking what city we should visit, please vote.  It will help me persuade them.

Click here to tell us which Battleground city is more fun and needs our help November 8th!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Brexit A Cautionary Tale for American Voters

Last night I stayed up to watch the Brexit voting numbers come in, what a nightmare.

Brexit in 5 words and six different thoughts:

1. Your pound is so weak.
2. Britain had a senior moment.
3. No Scotland No United Kingdom.
4. England take our Trump please.
5. Kiss your buying power goodbye.

Britain is a cautionary tale for every American with the right to vote.

5 Rules for 2016 election:

1. Don't depend on the polls.  I don't care if it says Democrats are winning by a landslide.  Let your vote be counted.

2. The youth vote must get out and vote.  British youth will be living with the consequences of Brexit for the next 65 years!!! Older population will only suffer for 16 years of their lives.  Protect your future vote!!!

3. This is not the year to make a protest vote.  Every vote will be needed to push back against the fear vote, the hate vote and the ignorance vote.  Don't depend on my vote to keep you safe from a 1950's America.

4. Just because your friend seems cool doesn't mean they aren't motivated by racism.  You need to vote you don't know what your "friend" is really thinking.

5. We need your vote because of SCOTUS, women's rights, and Dreamers Rights!

While the rest of the four are political I will not speak for them here.  This is strictly the opinion of Love.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

I Agree With Solange I Don't Like Twist Outs But...

Love Yascone Twist Out
with Organix bamboo fiber-full

Yes, I said it I don't like twist outs.  I was so happy when Solange said she didn't like them either.  Usually when someone tells me I need to do a twist out it is someone really telling me they don't like my "grade" of hair.  Insulting me to my face in the guise of helping me out, yeah I see you.  I have never liked twist outs.  The look is just blah!  That said I did manage to do a twist out on myself that I don't hate and let's face it eventually there comes a day that I don't want wet hair.  This week I don't want wet hair.  Although it took two and a half days for my plaited hair to dry I think it turned out okay.  I think using a hair thickener, Organix OGX Bamboo Fiber-Full, helped a lot (although the smell is over powering).  I don't like the smell or the soy protein Ogx!  What I do like is the way it made my hair easy to play with and tangle-free. Okay I did a video talking about this so just watch that.  I also did some slice of life videos too so I included them as well.  Heck, there is no need to be bored in this day and age.

Love Yascone Twist Out
with Organix bamboo fiber-full

Love Yascone Twist Out
with Organix bamboo fiber-full

Love Yascone Twist Out
with Organix bamboo fiber-full

Love Yascone Twist Out
with Organix bamboo fiber-full

Love Yascone Twist Out
with Organix bamboo fiber-full

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Glenda, Her Home Garden and the Magic Beauty Beyond Flowers

Note: Most pics will be at the bottom of the page

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Last weekend many of Louisville’s best neighborhoods had garden tours.  Our mother’s magic was featured with not one, but two homes on the Old Louisville Hidden Treasures Garden Tour.  One of the homes featured was our family home and the other home belonged to my mother’s Airbnb client.  Watching hundreds of people walk in and out of your back yard you start to hear things like, “Your garden is the best on the tour.”  After hearing the many praises mom received I decided I must give her props.  Gardens, are not just pretty flowers, herbs and vegetables, truly beautiful gardens are designed.  My mother works visually and whatever she sees in her head she can make happen.
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
These Poor Koi were eaten in May by The Crane

You would not expect a home garden in the city to feature four fruit trees, two Koi ponds, lap pool, herbs and of course flowers.  Our home does exactly that.  The herbs planted by Faith are beautiful and they add a little kitchen witch feel.  My mother has a name for every tree and every section of our yard adding to that magic.  My mother’s true love happens to be the Koi ponds.  Imagine her horror when a magical crane ate her magical fish.  (I have pics of the offending crane.  Thank you TwoFish for saving my mother’s pond right before the Garden Tour.)  Our garden was created for serenity.  The flow of water from the ponds and pool make our garden sing a peaceful song.  Our Family's garden is unique because it is Asian, Victorian and Roman/Greek inspired. 
Magic Crane who ate our beautiful Koi

If my mother had a huge budget she would have been able to create this look in a matter of months. Because our financial reality what my mother did for our home took years due to a shoe string budget and the fact that trees take time to grow.  Mom is the idea woman, the artist, Glenda The Golden- Glenda The Good.   Yes she built up the garden with Faith Yascone and Bryan Scichilone’s help. (To tell the truth I planted three of the trees in the front yard that are also named Love, Joy and Faith.  Bryan decided to be on strike that day). That said even in the final weeks mom kicked it up a notch and got quite a bit of help.  She knew how she wanted the finished product to look.  We had no budget but my mom has this way of inspiring others to help her.  I must say it helps when you have a clear and beautiful idea in mind.  I guess mom paints a picture that everyone wants to see in reality.  So, in the end, even when we daughters tap out, she always is able to finish her vision.  My mother is The Placement Artist.  She works with what she has and she inspires others to help make her vision real.
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
There is no renovation, decoration, garden or any other project for that matter that Love Joy & Faith work on that doesn’t involve Glenda The Golden-Glenda The Good.  She can fix any problem working with what you already have.  She can find materials that you can afford and make the world think you spent a fortune.  A home, a garden, an event and frankly any form of art that we do benefits from her input.
Glenda Yascone
Glenda The Golden-Glenda The Good
The Placement Artist

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist designed the gardens in the pictures.  I know she would love to help anyone design their dream garden too (  My mother worked with a team of people to add the finishing touches before the garden tour and I would like to take this time to thank all of them.

Two Fish (502.777.4114) Glenda Yascone (The Placement Artist) highly recommends them for anyone who has or wants a pond.

Nance’s Florist (812.945.9950) provided beautiful flowers adding to the magic

Moor Electrical Contracting Ron Weaver (502.457.0975) outdoor entertainment center install

C & C Masonry (502.544.0597) Outdoor Fireplace

Richard’s Renovations 701.520.0271

I will be adding more pictures of both gardens periodically. 

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
These Poor Koi were eaten in May by The Crane

New Koi
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Koi Pond
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Koi Pond
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Koi Pond
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Koi Pond surrounded by
Faith's Herb Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Faith's Herb Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Faith's Herb Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Faith's Rosemary
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Faith Hope Yascone's Peppers

Faith's Strawberries
Glenda Yascone The Placement ArtistDesigned Garden

Faith Hope Yascone's Peppers
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Garden Tour Guest

Garden Tour Guest

Garden Tour Guest

Garden Tour Guest

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden

Garden Tour Guest

Garden Tour Guest
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Vertical Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Vertical Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Vertical Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Vertical Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Vertical Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Fruit and Vegetable Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Fruit and Vegetable Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Fruit and Vegetable Garden
Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9

Glenda Yascone The Placement Artist
Designed Garden
House 9